13 mars 2025

Charles T. Hunt et al., « UN Peace Operations & Human Rights », EPON Report, 29 février 2024.

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David Curran, « Learning to Protect? Identifying Elicitive Approaches in Protection of Civilians Training for UN Peacekeepers », Civil Wars, 1er février 2024.

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Jana Kissling et Hannah Smidt, “(UN-)Protected Elections – Left for Good? Withdrawal of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Its Effects on Violence During Electoral Periods in War-Affected Countries”, International peacekeeping, 20 avril 2023.

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Walter Dorn, “Peacekeepers in Combat: Protecting Civilians in the D.R. Congo”, Journal of International Peacekeeping, 29 juin 2023.

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Gay Rosenblum-Kumar, “As UN Missions Draw Down, Strengthening Community-Led Approaches to Protection of Civilians”, International Peace Institute, 23 mai 2023.

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Allard Duursma, Sarah Lindberg Bromley et Aditi Gorur, “The Impact of Host-State Consent on the Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping”, Civil Wars, 14 avril 2023.

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Dirk Druet, “Wagner Group poses fundamental Challenges for the protection of civilisans UN peacekeeping Operations”, IPI, 20 mars 2023.

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Alexander Guilder, “How Useful Are the UN’s Broad Protection of Civilian Mandates?”, IPI, 23 janvier 2023.

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Jenna Russo et Ralph Mamiya, “The Primacy of Politics and the Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping”, IPI, 7 décembre 2022.

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David Levine-Spound et Wendy MacClinchy, « Prioritizing the Protection of Civilians During Peacekeeping transitions: Lessons Learned from MONUSCO », Center for civilians in conflict, 10 novembre 2022.

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Lotte Vermeij et al., « UN Peacekeeping Opérations at a Crossroads : The Implementation of Protection Mandates in Contested and Congested Spaces», Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, Juin 2022.

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Jenna Russo, “Protecting Peace? How the Protection of Civilians Contributes to Peace Processes », IPI, mai 2022.

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Giblin Jennifer, Gilder Alexander et Sprik Lenneke, “Le rôle des opérations de paix de l’ONU dans la réforme du secteur de la sécurité et le rapport avec la protection des civils”, Journal of International Peacekeeping, mars 2022.

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Joachim A. Koops and Christian Patz, « UN, EU, and NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians : Policies, Implementation, and Comparative Advantages. » International Peace Institute, mars 2022.

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Damian Lilly et Barbara Morais Figueiredo, « Enhancing the Protection of Civilians through Conventional Arms Control: Challenges and Opportunities for United Nations Peace Operations« , UNIDIR et IPI, janvier 2022.

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Shilpa A. Venigandla, « Protection, Justice, and Accountability: Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and UN Peacekeeping Operations», IPI, mai 2021.

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Laura Cuzzuol and Welmoet Wels, « UN Peacekeeping Operations and Gendered Threats to the Protection of Civilians », IPI, février 2021.

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Damian Lilly, « Considering the Protection of Civilians during UN Peacekeeping Transitions », IPI, janvier 2021.

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Dr Di Razza, « The Accountability System for the Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping », IPI, janvier 2021.

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Harley Henigson, « Community Engagement in UN Peacekeeping Operations: A People-Centered Approach to Protecting Civilians », IPI, novembre 2020.

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Patryk I. Labuda, « With or Against the State? Reconciling the Protection of Civilians and Host-State Support in UN Peacekeeping », IPI, mai 2020.

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Namie Di Razza et Jack Sherman, « Integrating human rights into operational readiness of UN Peacekeepers », IPI, mai 2020.

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Namie Di Razza, « UN Peacekeeping and the Protection of Civilians in the COVID-19 Era », IPI, mai 2020.

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Charles T. Hunt,  « Protection through Policing: The Protective Role of UN Police in Peace Operations », IPI, février 2020.

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« Mounting Evidence: Empirical Studies Show UN Peacekeeping Mission Presence May Reduce Violence Against Civilians », Center for Civilians in Conflicts, décembre 2019.

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Ralph Mamiya, « Taking Stock of Protecting Civilians in Peacekeeping », IPI, octobre 2019.

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Aditi Gorur, « The Need for Monitoring and Evaluation in Advancing Protection of Civilians », IPI, octobre 2019.

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Lisa Sharland, « Clarifying Expectations on Protection of Civilians », IPI, octobre 2019.

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Patryk Labuda, « How Much Force is Necessary to Protect Civilians? », IPI, septembre 2019.

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Charles T. Hunt, To Serve and Protect: The Role of UN Police in Protecting Civilians, IPI, septembre 2019.

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Lisa Sharland, « Evolution of the protection of civilians in UN peacekeeping », Australian strategy policy institute, juillet 2019.

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Namie Di Razza, « Making Peace Operations About People: A Needed Shift for the Protection of Civilians », International Peace Institute, juin 2018.

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Kofi Nsia-Pepra, “Moral obligation: UN missions should not abandon vulnerable civilians in critical times”, Global Peace Operations, août 2017.

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