15 juillet 2024

Michel Sitawa, Watson Karuma Karomba, Martin Ogaye et Catherine Kirongothi, “Protection of Civilians in A Protracted Intra-State Armed Conflict: A Case of The Central African Republic (CAR)” Africa Amani Journal, 2023.

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Mohamed M. Diatta, « New Approaches to Peace Needed in the Central African Republic », Institute for Security Studies, mars 2021.

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Allard Duursma , « Everyday peacekeeping in the Central African Republic », Political violence at glance, avril 2020.

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Hans de Marie Heungoup , « In Search of the State in the Central African Republic», International Crisis Group, mars 2020.

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Édith Vansprange, « Advancing the Rule of Law Through Executive Measures: The Case of MINUSCA », Goettingen Journal of International Law, août 2019.

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Rebecca Sutton, « Who is a Civilian? Perceptions of “Civilianness” in the Central African Republic », European University Institute, juillet 2019.

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Simon Allison, « The world’s most dangerous peacekeeping mission? », ISS Africa, novembre 2017.

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Namie Di Razza, « How Can the UN Curb CAR’s Spiral of Violence and Ethnic Cleansing? », IPI, août 2017.

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